Connecting to TDV Server through TIBCO Spotfire
TIBCO Spotfire is a third-party tool. These instructions are included only as a guideline; your system and the steps necessary to configure it might vary from the test system that was used in this sample. You will need to refer to TIBCO Spotfire documentation and perform thorough testing of your system after completing the install and configuration.
This configuration to connect to TDV is based on Spotfire 3.1.
To connect to TDV Server through Spotfire
1. Check whether TDV is already installed with the Spotfire installation.
2. If TDV is installed, configure the connection to TDV server in Spotfire Information Designer using the TDV connection type.
3. If TDV is not installed yet, install TDV JDBC component on Spotfire box.
a. Use TIBCO Spotfire Configuration Console to make sure that the Data Source Type is enabled. You might need to stop Spotfire services to enable TDV data type.
b. Check Spotfire installation folders for csjdbc.jar. If this file does not exist locate it from the TDV installation zip and copy it to SPOTFIRE_INSTALL/../tomcat/webapps/spotfire/WEB-INF/lib folder.
For later versions of Spotfire it could be recommended to put csjdbc.jar under ../tomcat/lib.
c. Configure connection to TDV server in Spotfire Information Designer using TDV connection type.
4. Check connectivity.