ODBC Property | Description |
alternatesecuritycredentials | Specifies an alternate security property value to the identity within the current session. This is used to allow the user passing security property to the data source. Note: You may get unexpected results when multiple requests are made on the same session or when multiple identities access the same session. |
caseSensitive | Specifies case sensitivity in the request values. Values can be: • <EMPTY>(default) - the server settings will manage the case sensitivity • TRUE - requests are case-sensitive • FALSE - requests are not case-sensitive |
commitFailure | Specifies the behavior if commit failed. Possible values are: rollback or bestEffort. |
commitInterrupt | Specifies behavior if commit is interrupted.Possible values are: ignore, log, fail. |
compensate | Specifies correcting behavior. If enabled, compensation blocks will be run if the transaction rolls back. Possible values: disabled or enabled. Default value is disabled. |
connectTimeout | Time-out for initial connection, in seconds. Use 0 (zero) for infinite time-out. |
currentLoggedInUserName | Current login user name. |
dataSizeLimit | Specifies the maximum text column data size. |
dataSource | Specifies the data source that is used for all connections. |
domain | Specifies an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control. |
driver | The ODBC driver absolute path name. |
dsn | ODBC DSN name. |
enableFastExec | Valid values are true and false. The default value is false. Results are processed and returned immediately (instead of a round trip) when a query is submitted, potentially improving performance of low latency queries. |
enableFlood | Values are true or false. Default value is True. If true, the server will constantly send data, filling the network buffer.Useful for larger result sets. |
enableReconnectOnError | Specifies cluster reconnection behavior. |
encrypt | If True, the client will connect to the TDV server using the ODBC driver SSL port. |
fetchBytes | Maximum number of rows to fetch for a batch based on batch size, in bytes. Setting fetchBytes to a very large number can cause an Out Of Memory error in the server. The value set for fetchBytes affects the memory used on the client and the TDV server, so the value should be set based on the heap size configured. The default value is used if this property is set to zero. |
fetchRows | Maximum number of rows to fetch for a batch. The default value is used if this property is set to zero. |
host/server | TDV Server host name. |
ignoreTrailingSpace | Ignore trailing spaces at the end of values. Values can be: • <EMPTY>(default) - the server settings will be used • TRUE - trailing spaces will not be ignored • FALSE - trailing spaces will not be ignored |
locale | Value that defines the user’s language and country. Refer to the section TDV Supported Encoding Standards for a list of supported encoding standards by TDV. |
nometadata | Blocks return of result-set metadata during query execution. |
paramMode | Controls the behavior of OUT parameters for stored procedures: • normal—Report OUT parameters in procedure metadata as OUT parameters. • return—Report OUT parameters as return values. • omit—Omit OUT parameters from metadata. • omitCursors—Omit output cursors from metadata. |
password/pwd | Specifies the password for the user name that you specify in the Username property. These values are used for your data source connection. |
pingInterval | Maximum time to wait before sending a ping request while waiting for a result from TDV, in seconds. |
pingTimeoutWindow | The length of time the JDBC or ODBC client waits before closing a connection to the TDV server, after a ping to the TDV server has failed. The value of this parameter should be greater than or equal to the "PingInterval" parameter. If a ping sent to the TDV server fails, the ODBC or JDBC client continues to send pings to TDV to check status. If these client pings continue to fail after the TimeoutWindow has expired, the ODBC or JDBC client closes the connection to the TDV server and sends a message. While the TimeoutWindow has not expired, the ODBC or JDBC client connection stays open and continues to send pings to the TDV server waiting for a response. The default for this property is 0, which means the setting is not being used. |
port | TDV Server listening port. |
registerOutputCursors | • true—Bind or register output cursors as output parameters. • false—Do not bind or register output cursors as output parameters; instead, use SQLMoreResults to access the cursors. |
requestTimeout | Time-out for query commands and other requests |
sessionTimeout | Session inactivity timeout, in seconds. Set to zero for infinite timeout. |
sessionToken | Uses the URL to set a session token value for client authorization when using TDV with a client restricted license. Example: &sessionToken=<VALUE> |
singleLogSize | Maximum log file size to saving to next log file, in M bytes. |
spn | Valid on Windows platform only, not useful on UNIX platforms. Kerberos SPN value, only useful if the SSO value equals Kerberos. |
sso | Valid on Windows platform only, not useful on UNIX platforms. Single-sign-on type: ""/(Disabled), Kerberos or NTLM. The default value is "", which forces the ODBC client application to provide user and password information to connect. |
sslKeyID | The subject (CN) of the Windows private certificate. You can locate this using this procedure: 1. Run the certmgr.msc program to open the Windows Certificate Manager. 2. Under Personal/Certificates, double-click the private certificate to open the Certificate dialog. 3. Click the Details tab, then select the Subject field. Enter the Subject CN value in the sslKeyID field. This is the only parameter you need to specify for Windows. |
sslKeyCert | The absolute path of a PEM file that contains the public key certificate for an SSL connection. (Optional) |
sslKeyFile | The absolute path of a PEM file that contains private key certificate for an SSL connection. This private key should match public key in SSL Key Cert. (Optional) |
sslCACert | The PEM file that contains the trusted CA certificates in PEM format. (Optional) |
sslCAPath | The absolute path of the directory that contains the trusted CA files in PEM format. On the Linux platform, the default value is “/etc/ssl/certs”. The CA PEM file name in the CA path directory must equal the hash value for the CA PEM file name. (Optional) Note that on the Windows platform, the ODBC driver loads all CA certificates from the system store ROOT/CA/TRUST, so this parameter is not used. |
stripDuplicates | Values are true or false. Default value is false. If true, the server will detect for duplicate CHAR/VARCHAR columns in subsequent rows, and will not re-transmit the data across the wire. This would potentially lead to data savings across the wire. |
stripTrailingZeros | Determines whether decimal result values are to be returned with trailing zeros removed. |
traceFile | Absolute path to the trace file. |
traceFolder | Absolute directory to save trace file, the trace file name is "CsOdbcDebug_"+<DSN Name>+".log". the default folder is C:\ or $COMPOSITE_HOME |
traceLevel | Valid values are off, fatal, error (this is the default), debug, warn, info, debug, and all. The valid values for client-side log settings are off, fatal, error (default), warn, info, debug, all, stdout. On UNIX-based platforms, the log file CsOdbcDebug.log is created in the directory specified by the environment variable COMPOSITE_HOME. |
unsupportedMode | Valid values are silent, warn, or fail. The default value is fail. When set to silent, unsupported methods do nothing and return. When set to warn, the JDBC driver logs a warning message in the log file, Otherwise, the JDBC driver returns a SQL_ERROR when it encounters unsupported methods. |
user_tokens | Authentication values that can be packaged for delivery. |
user/uid | Specifies the user name for connections to the data source. |
validateRemoteCert | Useful on Windows platform only, it is ignored on UNIX platforms. When true, the TDV client initiates handshake validation, validating the TDV certificate and using it for password encryption. If validation fails, no connection is established. When false (default), no certificate validation is performed prior to the establishment of a connection. The TDV Server certificate is loaded from the Truststore File Location set in the Studio Configuration panel. The Keystore Key Alias is used when it is configured for use. For more information, refer to “TDV Configuration Parameters” in the TDV Administration Guide. The TDV ODBC driver uses the system certification store to validate the certificate. The TDV Server certificate must be added to this client trust store or validation fails. |
validateRemoteHostname | Useful on Windows platform only, it is ignored on UNIX platforms. When true, the ODBC driver compares the value of host in the URL with the subject CN (common name) value in the certificate received from the targeted TDV Server. If the host name validation fails, the connection is not established. When false (default), the host name validation is not performed. |