Installation and Upgrade Guide > TDV Docker Container > Launching TDV Containers (Cluster) > MacOS
This section explains how to start two TDV Docker containers configured as a DV Cluster configuration on a Docker environment hosted on the Mac OS platform. Use a docker network that will allow your TDV containers to communicate with each other.
The bridge, host, macvlanet and user specified bridge network options in the docker should work for the TDV containers on this platform. Refer to the TDV Active Cluster Guide on how to configure TDV and create a new active cluster.
Note: Ensure that both TDV containers are running and accessible.
TDV Docker container example
Resource configuration: small (poc/demo): 2 CPUs/cores, 8 GB memory, external container volume tdv-vol with 8GB persistent readable/writable storage.
MacOS specific configuration: -p <host-port>:<container-port> for all DV ports exposed and --hostname=localhost
TDV configuration: base port (9400), admin password (default), server memory (default). Refer to the Dockerfile.tdv for TDV Docker image default values.
Network configuration: user bridge docker network.
Setup Node #1 (timekeeper)
$ docker volume create tdv-vol-2
docker run -itd --net=user-bridge -p 9300:9300 -p 9301:9301 -p 9302:9302 -p 9303:9303 -p9304:9304 -p9305:9305 -p 9306:9306 -p 9400:9400 -p 9401:9401 -p 9402:9402 -p 9403:9403 --mount type=volume, source=tdv-vol-1, target=/opt/TIBCO --cpus=2.000 -m=8g --hostname=localhost --name tdv-timekeeper myrepo/tdv:8.4 tdv.server
Now verify you can access port 9400 for Node #1 from outside of your Docker environment.
Once that is done, follow the TDV configuration steps in "Creating a New Active Cluster" section in the TDV Active Cluster Guide.
That will setup a new DV cluster on Node #1.
Setup Node #2 (non-timekeeper)
$ docker volume create tdv-vol-2
$ docker run -itd --net=user-bridge -p 10300:9300 -p 10301:9301 -p 10302:9302 -p 10303:9303 -p 10304:9304 -p 10305:9305 -p 10306:9306 -p 10400:9400 -p 10401:9401 -p 10402:9402 -p 10403:9403 --mount type=volume,source=tdv-vol-2,target=/opt/TIBCO --cpus=2.000 -m=8g --hostname=localhost --name tdv-node2 myrepo/tdv:8.4 tdv.server
Now verify you can access port 9400 for Node #2 from outside of your Docker environment.
Once that is done, following the DV configuration steps in "Adding a TDV Server to an Active Cluster" section in the TDV Active Cluster Guide.
That will setup Node #2 to join the TDV Cluster created on Node #1.
Now your DV Cluster is configured and ready for usage.
You can verify this by opening a browser client and going to http://<IP_NODE_#1>:9400/manager.
Select “Cluster”.