Installation and Upgrade Guide > TDV for Microsoft Azure Marketplace > TDV Server Configuration > Default TDV Security Group Configuration
Default TDV Security Group Configuration
As a standalone installation TDV only requires ports 9400 - 9403, 9405 and 9409. If you want to run TDV in a cluster configuration then you need to additionally open up port 9407 for communication to work between TDV cluster nodes. By default, the TDV Server Security Group will have these inbound ports exposed in the Azure environment to the outside world.
For TDV Linux installations only, there will be additional inbound ports 9300-9306 open for the MPP Engine feature to work. Refer to Port Requirements for a list of all TDV ports and their descriptions.
Note: The Source (IP or Group) for your TDV Security Group’s inbound ports will default to You will want to change this by limiting access to only known IP addresses that you want accessing your TDV installation. Refer to the Review Security Group (TDV Ports for inbound/outbound traffic) for further information.