EFCore Console Application
Install Entity Framework Core
From a .NET core console app, install and configure the Entity Framework Core environment. Use the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio to install the latest version of EF Core. To download and install EF Core automatically, first run the following command:
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -Version 2.2.3
Additionally, you'll need to install EF Core's Relational assembly, as shown in the following example::
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational -Version 2.2.3
Register the Entity Framework Core Provider
Complete the following steps to register the Entity Framework Core provider::
1. Add a reference to System.Data.CompositeClient.dll, located in the lib -> netstandard2.0 subfolder in the installation directory.
2. Add a reference to TIBCO.EntityFrameworkCore.Composite.dll, located in the lib -> netstandard2.0 -> EFCORE21 subfolder in the installation directory.
3. Build the project to complete the setup for using EF Core.
Creating the Data Model
There are two approaches that can be taken in creating the context and entity classes for your application. With the Code-First Approach approach, you can fine-tune your model by writing the classes manually. Alternatively, you can make use of Reverse Engineering (Scaffolding) to generate these classes automatically from your TDV schema.
Perform LINQ Commands in Your Code
You are now ready to start using LINQ in your code. Be sure to declare "using System.Linq" in your file.
CompositeContext ents = new CompositeContext();
var ProductsQuery = from Products in ents.Products
orderby Products.ProductName
select Products;