Tutorial Guide > Transform Name and Value Pair Tutorial > Connecting the Loop Operations to the Cast Operations
Connecting the Loop Operations to the Cast Operations
The XML formatted timestamp and values need to be transformed into data types that will work in a SQL view environment. The NMTOKEN values need to be converted to timestamp and the xs:decimal values need to be converted to DOUBLE.
To connect loop operations to cast operations
1. Open the NameValue transform.
2. Connect loop system:Value to the source in cast.
3. Double-click cast to open the Choose Data Type editor.
4. From the drop down list select Decimal > DOUBLE.
5. For the minimum and maximum values, accept the defaults of:
-1.7976931348623157E+308 and 1.7976931348623157E+308
6. Connect cast result to the out v_Temp Value parameter.
7. Repeat these steps to create the cast operations for each of the loop system:Value parameters and connect them to the out v_Pressure and v_Concentration Value parameters.
For example, your transform should have cast operations and connections similar to the following:
8. Connect loop system:Timestamp to the source in a cast operation.
9. Double-click cast to open the Choose Data Type editor.
10. From the drop down list select Time > TIMESTAMP.
11. Connect cast result to the out v_Temp Timestamp parameter.
12. Repeat these steps to create the cast operations for each of the loop system:Timestamp parameters and connect them to the out v_Pressure and v_Concentration Timestamp parameters.
For example, your transform should have cast operations and connections similar to the following:
13. Save the transformation.