User Guide > Legacy Web Services > Limitations for Legacy Web Service Conversion
Limitations for Legacy Web Service Conversion
If the data service contains a service or operation that TDV does not support, the resource tree does not display that service or operation. For every object that is not supported in TDV, an error is generated in the cs_server.log.
After migration, a report dialog displays messages indicating what needs to be fixed for the web service to be fully functional within TDV. Resolve all warning messages. Consider reconfiguring any older communication protocols between the converted web service and any client applications that consumed the legacy web service.
Limitations Include
JMS transport is not supported.
WSDL access authentication method is not supported.
Combined authentication methods for service endpoint URLs are not supported.
Multiple services and multiple ports are not supported.
They are converted to different services, and ports are split into separate web services after migration.
Wild XML output types are not supported.
If present they cause conversion of the legacy web service to fail.
Enclosed keystores are not supported.
Before upgrade, the enclosed keystore of the legacy web service needs to be integrated with a server key store.
Additional Conversion Tips from an Expert
Legacy web services allowed each Composite web service to have its own keystore to store private and public key pairs.After upgrade, the legacy web service needs to be exported and reimported for the Configuration parameter values that define the key pairs of the TDV global keystore to be configured in the Configuration panel.Because the new service doesn’t support separate keystores for each new web service.