Installation and Upgrade Guide > Installing Optional TDV Products > Manage Active Cluster Security > Updating the Digital Certificate to Secure Cluster Communication
Updating the Digital Certificate to Secure Cluster Communication
Every TDV Server ships with a trial digital certificate so SSL works right out of the box. However, the security is poor. To secure cluster communication, you must update the digital certificate on each TDV Server node in the cluster.
Updating the digital certificate entails getting a signed digital certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA) and installing it in the keystore on each TDV Server. CAs are independent vendors (such as VeriSign) that have instructions on their websites for how to generate public key/private key pairs that accompany certificate requests. The CA then returns the digital certificate back to you. After you have this information, you need to install the digital certificate on the TDV Server.
To install a digital certificate on TDV Server
1. Open Studio, and select Administration > Launch Manager (Web) from the menu to open the Manager Web interface.
2. Click the CONFIGURATION tab and select SSL.
Manager displays the SSL Management page.
3. Enter new values as appropriate for your digital certificate, and click APPLY.