User Guide > Publishing Resources > Publishing Resources to a Database Service
Publishing Resources to a Database Service
To make tabular data and procedures available for querying and manipulation as a TDV database service, you need to publish them to a container (folder) under Data Services/Databases.
You can create as many TDV databases and schemas as you need, and organize them in multiple folders. The published tabular data can be queried like any normal database.
This section describes general publishing instructions. If you would like to define one of the optional TDV DDL or OData features for your database service, see the following sections:
Publishing Resources to a Database Service with OData
Configuring DDL for a Data Service
If you plan to consume your published data from an Excel spreadsheet, you must publish the data tables using catalogs. For example, create a catalog under Data Service/Databases/<catalog> so that the data from the resources there can be used through an Excel client interface.
When selecting names for your data services and resources, consider that special characters can make it difficult or impossible for clients (including Business Directory or Deployment Manager) to display or consume the published resources. For example, Business Directory cannot see the data for a data source with the name “dsInv/publish”.
To publish a resource to a database service
1. If necessary, create a folder under Data Services/Databases where you want to publish the resource.
2. Highlight one or more tables, view, or procedure in the resource tree.
3. Select one or more resources, right-click, and select Publish or select Resource > Publish from the Studio menu bar.
The Publish <resource_path_and_name> window appears.
4. Select the folder under Data Services/Databases where you want to publish the resource.
The resource name is displayed in the Name field at the bottom of the dialog.
5. Optionally, type a different name in the Name field—for example, CompositeView_Published_As_a_DB.
6. Optionally, check Overwrite existing published resources of the same name.
7. Click OK.
The resource now appears in the resource tree in the folder where you published it.