User Guide > TDV Caching > Setting Up Caching > Caching Transaction Results of a Procedure
Caching Transaction Results of a Procedure
The transaction result caching feature can be useful as an alternative to full procedure result caching if the primary need is for transaction isolation instead of storing results for repeated access between transactions. When transaction result caching is enabled, results are captured in memory the first time the procedure is run during any transaction; additional calls to the procedure with the same input parameters return the cached data.
For transactional caching, TDV caching does not directly use memory to store the cached result set, but instead persists to disk or a database. Memory-based tables have been used in Oracle and MySQL to achieve even better performance. When the refresh occurs, the object view or procedure is executed and the result set is written to the cache.
To enable transaction result caching
1. From the Studio navigation tree, locate and open the editor for the procedure for which you want to cache transaction results.
2. Select the Info tab.
3. Check the Execute only once per transaction for each unique set of input values.
4. Save your changes.