User Guide > TDV Caching > Defining Cache Refresh Behavior > Refresh Owner
Refresh Owner
For Cache Refreshes Started From Studio—TDV always uses the user credentials saved against the data source to perform all runtime cache refresh operations including refresh of the cache data and update of user status in the status table and the internal SYS_CACHES. This is true also even though you might have pass-through logins enabled.
For Cache Refreshes Started From Triggers—If you have triggers defined that you use to start your cache refreshes, the user that initiates the table refreshes is the user that owns the refresh.
The user that is noted for specific actions within the refresh varies depending on your full TDV environment setup, on how many times you have run the refresh, and on whether you look in the Studio Manager, TDV log files, or your database log files. Implementation of TDV is highly customizable. If you are interested in determining which users are involved in the refresh actions at your site, perform testing and track the results.