User Guide > Performance Tuning > About Performance Tuning in TDV
About Performance Tuning in TDV
You can tune TDV performance in several ways. Some performance tuning topics are covered in this topic, some elsewhere. The following table summarizes and links to the sections that describe performance tuning.
Tuning Tool
Topic Reference
Generating query execution plans
The execution plan shows how TDV Server plans to execute the SQL for a view. It can help you understand what you might do to enhance query performance.
Creating cardinality statistics
Cardinality statistics show the distribution of values in a table or view, and estimate the number of rows in the query result. This can help you improve the query plan.
Defining indexes, and primary and foreign keys
An index, or a primary or foreign key, can make data easier to find.
Using joins
Join strategies can significantly affect query performance.
Using SQL hints
You can use these when the default behavior of the query optimizer does not result in the best query performance.
Data caching
Saving local snapshots of data can improve the performance of some design tasks. Caching temporarily stores a copy of frequently accessed source data.
Using nested aggregates
If a data source does not support nested aggregates, you can improve performance by letting TDV know not to look for them.
Using data ship
Data ship optimization analyzes queries to determine if performance can be improved by temporarily transferring a small amount of data to a data source target.