User Guide > Overview of Studio > Using the Code Editor Text Editing Commands
Using the Code Editor Text Editing Commands
Editors within Studio including View, procedure, XML, and transformation editor dialogs come with a set of shortcut keys that enhance code editing.
The enhanced editing capabilities are enabled by default.
To use the primary enhanced capabilities:
For a list of shortcut keys and capabilities, see Editor Text Editing Command Reference.
In some editors, Ctrl-Space provides a list of potentially useful words from which you can select. For example in the SQL and procedure editors you can get a list of reserved words or function names.
You can start typing the word you are looking for to narrow the list results.
To turn off these editing capabilities:
1. Select Edit > Options.
2. In the Options dialog, select the Editors tab.
3. Clear the Auto Complete check box.
4. Restart the TDV Server.