User Guide > Overview of Studio > Customizing Studio > Customizing Studio Using the Studio Options Dialog
Customizing Studio Using the Studio Options Dialog
The Studio Options dialog lets you configure Studio behavior locally. You can customize:
What information is displayed in the title bar.
What toolbars are displayed.
Whether logging is enabled.
How warnings and confirmations are handled.
How editors are displayed in the workspace.
Other Studio instances installed on different computers that log onto the same TDV Server are not affected by these local Studio options.
To customize Studio
1. Open Studio and log in.
2. Select Edit > Options.
Studio opens the Options dialog box with the General tab displayed.
3. Edit the options as necessary.
Check box
Display version, server host name, and port number in the title bar
Useful when the Studio user can connect with any one of several instances of TDV.
Display custom name in the title bar
Enter a string to display your text in the Studio application title bar.
Store execution parameters on disk and reuse when Studio runs again
Makes this Studio instance remember the procedure input parameters used during Studio test execution, so the test is easier to duplicate.
Copy privileges from parent folder when creating new resources
Sets the default privileges to apply creating new resources, making child resources accessible to the same groups and users.
Use a colored background in the View Model
Toggles the View Model background between blue and white.
Show the toolbar at top of main window
Toggles display of the Studio toolbar.
Show the status bar at bottom of the main window
Toggles display of the Studio status bar. This bar shows encryption status of the connection between the Studio and TDV, Studio memory usage, and introspection progress (when underway).
Show the navigation tree in main window
Toggles display of the Studio resource tree in Studio Modeler. This setting also toggles display of the Manager navigation panel.
Logging - Enable additional logging within Studio
Adds logged detail to assist with debugging. This can add a lot of information to the log file but has little affect on performance. Additional logging information is sent to the <TDV_install_dir>/logs/sc_studio.log file, which you can view using the View Studio Log button.
Data Source Introspection - Cache Loading Page Size
This value adjusts the page size to use for cache during introspection.
Session Heartbeat(millisecond)- Session Heartbeat Interval
This value adjusts the Studio session timeout. After a timeout, Studio prompts you to sign in again.
Default Font
This option lets the user select a general UI font for Studio. This selected font will be saved to After Studio is restarted, this user-selected font will be applied.
For example, a Thai language user can select a Thai language-supported font such as Tahoma and apply the font throughout Studio.
Note: Since the Default Font for Studio and the Font used in Editor are treated separately, the user will need to change the font in both the places, as given below, to a Thai language-supported font (Tahoma) and restart Studio.
Studio > Edit > Options > Default Font > Tahoma
Studio > Edit > Editors > Font > Tahoma
4. Select the Warnings tab and edit the options as necessary.
Warnings and confirmations check boxes can reset display of notifications and confirmation dialogs. These settings can be indirectly unchecked by dismissing a notification confirmation dialog after checking “Do not show me this warning again.”
Check Box
Mark folders impacted when they contain descendants that are impacted.
Selected, by default, to show indications that folders contain resources that are impacted by changes or have error that might need correcting. Clear to remove the warning icon from Studio resource tree folder objects. The warning will continue to appear next to the impacted resource regardless of the selection made here.
Warn before execution when other editors are unsaved
When checked, warns that a procedure will return results based on the resource metadata definitions saved on the server, and not as-yet unsaved definitions in editors currently open on the Studio desktop.
Warn when canceling the execution of a query.
Warn before data lineage calculation when current editor is unsaved
When checked, warns that the data lineage calculation will return results based on resource metadata definitions on the server, rather than metadata changed but not yet saved in an open editor.
Warn when an OLAP View member is selected on Where tab, but its dimension is not selected on Select tab
Warn when OLAP View members from same dimension but different hierarchies are selected on Where tab
Display confirmation prior to closing Studio.
Display Confirmation check boxes display warning prompts even if warnings have been marked as not to be displayed again.
Display confirmation prior to clearing all relationship discovery tasks.
Displays confirmation prior to removal.
Display confirmation prior to removing the view model.
Display confirmation prior to removing the OLAP view model.
5. Select and edit the options on the Editors tab as necessary.
Some Studio text editor formatting and font display options are configurable. Each of the groups has a Reset button on the right, and the Editors tab has an overall Restore Defaults button at the bottom.
Automatic Capitalization
Capitalizes and formats SQL keywords when they are typed or pasted. You can set font, color and size using the Studio Options dialog.
Automatic Indentation
Automatically indents text based on the SQL keyword on the previous line. The following keywords have the same indentation, and the SQL Editor indent the line that follows a keyword in this list:
Additionally newlines made with an Enter keystroke start with the indentation present on the preceding line, whether indentation is done with spaces or tabs. A single Backspace keystroke puts the cursor back at the far left position of the line.
Indent with Spaces (not tabs)
Allows insertion of spaces (ASCII character 32) for indentation instead of tabs (ASCII character 9). Both are handled as required for querying the underlying data sources. By default, tabs are used for indentation.
Tab width lets you change to the default tab width as represented by spaces. Manually entered tabs can differ from the default SQL display of four spaces used as indentation.
Tab Width
Lets you change tab spacing from four (default) character widths to any value between 1 and 32.
Reset Format Defaults
Restores formatting options to their default values.
Literal, Label, Operator,
Offers you a palette of colors to apply to categories of text in SQL statements. You can select each color from a group of swatches, from a hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) model, or (using sliders) from a red-green-blue (RGB) model.
Reset Color Defaults
Restores formatting options to their default values.
Font list
Lets you select a font family from the scroll list.
Font size list
Lets you select the font size from the scroll lists.
Check box that lets you select or unselect bold font.
Check box that lets you select or unselect italic font.
Reset Font Defaults
Restores font options to their default values.
scrollable field
Lets you preview what the SQL text looks like with your font family, size, and bold or italic choices.
Note: Oracle JDK no longer ships any fonts and relies entirely on fonts installed on the operating system.
For more information about Fonts refer to following documentation:
Supported Fonts.
Removal of Lucida Fonts from Oracle JDK
6. Select and edit the options on the SQL Scratchpad tab as necessary.
Some Studio SQL Scratchpad editor options are configurable in the SQL Scratchpad tab of the Studio Options panel. See Views and Table Resources for more information about how to use the SQL Scratchpad. Each group has a Reset Settings button on the right, and the SQL Scratchpad tab has an overall Restore Defaults button.
Open SQL Scratchpad Editor when Studio starts if it was open at exit check box
When checked, causes the SQL Scratchpad editor to open automatically when Studio restarts in cases where it was open when Studio was last exited. Default: checked.
Automatically save content when the editor is deactivated check box
When checked, causes Studio to save the SQL query currently being displayed in the SQL Scratchpad editor, as well as all queries in the History list, when you close the SQL Scratchpad editor. Default: checked.
Maximum History Size drop-down list
Lets you retain between 2 and 50 of the most recent SQL queries you have created in the SQL Scratchpad editor. Locked queries in the History list do not count toward this maximum. Default: 12.
7. Select and edit the options on the Transformation Editor tab as necessary.
Maximum Operation Width
Set the maximum width of the operations shown on the Transformation Editor model page.
Error Level to Show in the Editor
Defining a transform can be complicated, you can configure the level of error reporting displayed by Studio while you are defining your transform.
Show Insert Cast Dialog
When adding a cast function to your transform, you are shown a dialog to help you define the details of the cast.
Prefixes are also used when defining namespaces. Seeing the namespace can help you avoid namespace conflicts.
Show Prefixes in Type Names
The prefix values are used to indicate function type. They can be used to identify if a function is SQL or custom.
Show Operation Annotations
For the operations shown on the Transformation Editor, display any annotations in the heading portion of the operations.
8. Save your changes.