User Guide > Studio Resource Management Overview > Searching for Resources in the Server
Searching for Resources in the Server
You can search for any resource in the server using the Studio search feature.
The search field includes a timer that starts and waits about 0.3 seconds for you to stop typing. Each time you type a character, the timer restarts. When you stop typing, the server is queried for any resources whose name begins with the text you have typed, and resource references containing the resource name, path, and type are returned.
To search for a resource in the server
1. Select the Resource > Find Resource menu option.
If you want to close the search window, click anywhere outside the window, or press the Escape key. Clicking the search window’s title bar does not close the window.
2. In the text field, type the name of the resource you want to find.
You can use a period to match a single character, and an asterisk or a percent sign to match any number of characters.
3. Use the up- and down-arrow keys to navigate through the list of resources.
4. Select the resource by clicking its name or by clicking the Enter key.
The resource opens on the right, and on the left the resource tree expands to display the location of the resource.