Deprecated as of API version 6.0. Use
cancelServerTask instead.
Cancels a non-blocking reintrospect that was started with
reintrospectDataSource and is still in progress. After this operation returns, the reintrospect ID is no longer valid.
The reintrospect ID is only valid during a single transaction, so this operation can only be used within an explicit transaction that also contains reintrospectDataSource.
Note: This web services operation is different from the procedure of the same name, which is in the resource tree under /lib/resource and which has not been deprecated.
Request Elements
reintrospectId: The reintrospect ID is given by reintrospectDataSource.
Response Elements
• CANCELED: If the reintrospect was successfully canceled.
• SUCCESS or FAIL (as appropriate): If the reintrospect had already completed prior to this operation.
reintrospectReport (optional): If the reintrospect status is SUCCESS or FAIL, list of errors or the changes that occurred during the reintrospect. Otherwise, this element does not exist. For the format of each changeEntry element in reintrospectReport, see
Messages Element.
NotFound: If the reinstrospectId does not exist. This can occur if the reintrospect was previously canceled using this procedure, if the report was retrieved using getDataSourceReintrospectResult, or if this operation is called on a different transaction.
Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in path other than the last one.
Security: If the user does not have WRITE access to the last item in path.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.