Update the definition of an XSLT Transform procedure resource.
If the source resource does not currently exist or is not compatible with the transformation, the resource becomes impacted.
Only a PROCEDURE with a single output parameter of type XML, or a TREE (XML file), is supported.
Request Elements
path: A fully qualified path to the resource.
detail: The level of detail about the resources to include in the response. Valid values are NONE, SIMPLE, and FULL.
transformSourcePath: The location of the resource to be transformed.
transformSourceType: The type of resource to be transformed.
xsltText (optional): The XSLT source text.
xsltModel (optional): A model of the XSLT transformation. If this element is provided, neither the xsltText nor parameters elements should be provided.
• version: Version of the XSLT transformation procedure.
• type: Type of the XSLT transformation procedure.
• proprietaryModel (optional)
isExplicitDesign (optional): TRUE if the parameters were provided by the resource designer. FALSE if they were derived from the resource.
parameters (optional): List of parameter definitions of the procedure. This element is ignored (even if provided) unless isExplicitDesign is both present and TRUE. See
Parameters Element.
• annotation (optional): Description of the parameter.
annotation (optional): A description of the resource. If not provided, the annotation is left unaltered.
attributes (optional): Resource specific attributes. Sets the specified attributes but does not alter the values of unspecified attributes.
Response Elements
resources: List of the updated resources. See
Resources Element.
IllegalArgument: If the path is malformed, or the detail or attributes are illegal.
NotAllowed: If the call contains both the xsltModel and xsltText elements, or the xsltMode and parameters elements.
NotAllowed: If parameters includes INOUT parameters.
NotFound: If the target resource or any portion of path does not exist.
Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in path other than the last one.
Security: If the user does not have WRITE access to the last item in path.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.