Create a server task to fetch all resource identifiers for resources that have been introspected on a given data source.
This operation returns a taskId that can be used to get results using the
getIntrospectedResourceIdsResult, or canceled using
This operation returns the total number of resources that are currently introspected on the given data source. If the data source has never been introspected, totalResults is zero.
If the TDV session that invokes this operation closes before the task is completed, the task is terminated.
This operation must be run within an explicit transaction, so that the taskId can be used in successive calls to getIntrospectedResourceIdsResult.
Request Elements
path: The path of the data source.
attributes (optional): List of data source type specific attributes. The specific list of supported attributes vary by data source type. (See
getDataSourceAttributeDefs.) Sets the specified attributes but does not alter the value of unspecified attributes. See
Attributes Element.
Response Elements
taskId: The ID of the server task performing the work.
totalResults (optional): If known, the total result set size; otherwise, this element does not exist.
DataSourceError: If a data source connection cannot be established or if a data source request returns an error.
IllegalArgument: If the path is malformed.
IllegalState: If the data source is disabled.
NotFound: If the data source or any portion of the path to the data source does not exist.
Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in path other than the last one.
Security: If the user does not have READ access to the last item in path.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.