Data Source Toolkit Guide > Extension Adapter Configuration > Extension Adapter Configuration Tab > Configure Data Type Mappings
Configure Data Type Mappings
This subtab lets you define the mappings in both directions between TDV and data sources that use the adapter. You can use the default mappings, change the mappings, or add new mappings.
TDV to Native Mappings
These mappings indicate what each TDV data type (on the left) becomes in the data source (on the right) when TDV issues DDL to create or modify objects in those data sources.
Native to TDV Mappings
These mappings indicate what each data source data type (on the left) becomes in TDV (on the right) when TDV introspects those data sources.
As pointed out at the top of this subtab, “When needed, use &p for precision, &s for scale, &l for length, or the actual number if known.” However, except for timestamps and interval types, specify precision, scale, and length only on the right side of the mapping (the target data type).
On the target side of a mapping: NUMBER(12,2) indicates a NUMBER data type with a precision (&p; the total number of significant digits) of 12. The 2 (&s, the scale) indicates 2 digits after the decimal point and 10 digits before the decimal point.
On the target side of a mapping: CHAR(&l) indicates a CHAR data type and its length.
On either side of a mapping: TIMESTAMP(3).