Reference Guide > TDV Support for SQL Functions > XML Functions > XMLELEMENT
The XMLELEMENT function creates an XML node with an optional XML attributes node.
XMLELEMENT ( NAME <XML_element_name>
[ , <XML_namespace_declaration> ] [ , <XML_attributes> ]
[ { , <XML_element_content> }...
[ OPTION <XML_content_option> ] ]
[ <XML_returning_clause> ] )
The first argument, XML_element_name, is the name of the XML node. It can be escaped if it contains certain characters. For details, see Identifier Escaping.
The optional second argument, XML_namespace_declaration, is the XMLNAMESPACE function.
The optional third argument, XML_attributes, is the XMLATTRIBUTES function.
The optional fourth argument, XML_element_content, is the content of the XML node, which can be an XML, numeric, or character type.
If XML_element_content evaluates to a character literal, it is escaped. For details, see Text Escaping.
SELECT XMLELEMENT (name Details, XMLATTRIBUTES (ProductID AS product),
XMLELEMENT (name orderno, OrderID),
XMLELEMENT (name status, Status),
XMLELEMENT (name price, UnitPrice)) myOutput
FROM /shared/examples/ds_orders/orderdetails
WHERE ProductID < 20