Installation and Upgrade Guide > TDV Docker Container > Runtime TDV Container Configuration - Common Examples > Configure Data Source With 3rd party JDBC Driver (type 4)
Configure Data Source With 3rd party JDBC Driver (type 4)
TDV Data sources may require 3rd party JDBC drivers (type 4).
This section is to cover how to install such drivers in your TDV Docker container.
Example (install Oracle 3rd party JDBC type 4 driver for Oracle 11g):
1. Find the latest Oracle 12g JDBC driver (type 4) drivers (e.g. ojdbc10.jar and xdb.jar).
See the Oracle Adapter Guide for details on where to get this driver and how to configure it for your TDV Container.
2. Stop the TDV Docker container where your TDV Server is running
docker stop <tdv-container-name>
3. Install Oracle JDBC type 4 drivers in your TDV Server Container
sudo cp ojdbc10.jar /var/lib/docker/volumes/<tdv-container-volume-name>/_data/TDV_Server_<tdv-version>/conf/adapters/system/oracle_19c_thin_driver
sudo cp xdb.jar /var/lib/docker/volumes/<tdv-container-volume-name>/_data/TDV_Server_<tdv-version>/conf/adapters/system/oracle_19c_thin_driver
Note: The above example expects a valid tdv-vol, default docker network bridge works on your Docker host, and that you already have a valid TDV Docker Server container that exists and is not running.
See References: for more details regarding <tdv-container-volume-name>.
4. Start the TDV Docker container where your TDV Server is running
docker start <tdv-container-name>
5. Validate that the TDV Docker container has the new file.
docker exec -it <tdv-container-name> ls -al TDV*/conf/adapters/system/oracle_19c_thin_driver/
6. Check your TDV Docker container server log for acknowledgement that you have installed the JDBC driver for your “Oracle 19c (Thin Driver)” DV adapter.
docker exec -it <tdv-container-name> /bin/bash
$ cd TDV*/logs
$ grep -i "Oracle 19c" cs_server.log
7. The output of step 6 will show before and after loading of your "Oracle 19c" DV adapter. If the installation was successful, then the DV adapter will have a "loaded" message instead of the following "has not been installed" message (shown below) that was displayed before 3rd party drivers were installed for "Oracle 19c" DV Adapter
INFO [main] 2020-03-30 22:07:51.134 +0000 DbUtil - The adapter for 'Oracle 19c (Thin Driver)' has not been installed. For details on adapter installation, see the Installation Guide.
A sample message of successful installation:
INFO [main] 2020-03-30 17:11:08.222 -0700 JdbcDriverClassLoaderUtil - Adapter: Oracle 19c (Thin Driver) loaded from /opt/TIBCO/TDV_Server_<tdv-version>/conf/adapters/system/oracle_19c_thin_driver
8. Once the "loaded" message is seen you can create, introspect and load data from your Oracle 19c DV Adapter.