Installation and Upgrade Guide > TDV Docker Container > Useful Docker Commands for TDV Containers
Useful Docker Commands for TDV Containers
To check details of all the Docker containers.
$ docker ps
To check the Docker TDV container system logs.
$ docker logs <tdv-container-name>
Installing the SAP Java Connector Library
$ docker exec -it <tdv-container-name> /bin/bash
To review the TDV Server logs in an interactive shell.
$ docker exec -it <tdv-container-name> ls -al TDV*/logs
To stop the container.
$ docker stop <tdv-container-name>
To start the container.
$ docker start <tdv-container-name>
To see a detailed information on Docker objects. such as docker images, containers, networks, volumes, plugins, etc.
docker inspect [OPTIONS] NAME|ID [NAME|ID...]
A quick reference for using Nano text editor.