Installation and Upgrade Guide > TDV Docker Container > Publishing TDV Docker Images
Publishing TDV Docker Images
If you want to publish your TDV Docker image to a Docker registry then log in to your Docker registry and follow the commands below.
For more information on Docker login, visit
After a successful login, you can publish the Docker image using the docker push command.
Note: The example below shows the publishing command for one image. You will have to run the “docker tag” and “docker push” commands for each image (the repo, cache and server).
Generic Command Usage:
$ docker login --username <user-name> <remote-repo-name>
$ docker tag <local-repo-name>/<image-name>:<image-tag> <remote-repo-name>/<image-name>[:<image-tag>]
$ docker push <remote-repo-name>/<image_name>[:<image-tag>]
$ docker logout <remote-repo-name>