Installation and Upgrade Guide > Container Orchestration Using Kubernetes > Useful Kubernetes Commands > Useful TDV-Specific Commands
Useful TDV-Specific Commands
To list the TDV Pods
$ kubectl get pods -n tdv
To describe TDV Pod.
$ kubectl describe pod tdv-0 -n tdv
To list TDV volumes
$ kubectl get pvc -n tdv
To display the log of the init container in the specified pod.
$ kubectl logs tdv-0 init -n tdv
To invoke bash command prompt for the specified pod.
$ kubectl exec -it tdv-0 -c tdv -n tdv -- /bin/bash
To install Docker Registry Secret
$ kubectl create secret tdv-registry-secret -n tdv --docker-server=<DOCKER_SERVER> --docker-username=<DOCKER_USERNAME> --docker-password=<DOCKER_PASSWORD> --docker-email=<DOCKER_EMAIL>
Note: Name of the secret must be “tdv-registry-secret” otherwise TDV deployment in Kubernetes will not work with the TDV Helm chart.
To Manually Deploy the Local Path Storage class
$ kubectl apply -f local-path-storage/local-path-storage.yaml
$ kubectl get deployment -n local-path-storage --no-headers
To Manually Deploy the Azure csi-standard-cs Storage class
$ kubectl apply -f csi-sc-standard/sc-azure-disk.yaml
$ kubectl get storageclass
Note: This storage class is only used for tdv.deploymentEnvironment=“aks”.
To install HAProxy Certificate Secret
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -out gateway.crt -keyout gateway.key -subj "/CN=tdv.haproxy/O=tdv-haproxy-gateway-certs-secret”
cat gateway.crt gateway.key | tee gateway.pem
kubectl create secret generic $tdv-haproxy-gateway-certs-secret --from-file=gateway.pem=./gateway.pem -n tdv
Note: Name of the secret must be “tdv-haproxy-gateway-certs-secret” otherwise TDV deployment in Kubernetes will not work with the TDV Helm chart.