Installation and Upgrade Guide > Container Orchestration Using Kubernetes > Pre-Configuration of the Runtime Environment (On-Premises/Private Cloud only): > Configuring Kubernetes Using Quick Start Script
Configuring Kubernetes Using Quick Start Script
The Quick Start script shipped with TDV can be used for configuring Kubernetes for Private/Public cloud.
Follow these steps to run the TDV script to launch a TDV application (i.e. Single or Cluster mode) using the quick start script:
1. TDV is packaged with quick start shell scripts and YAML files that you will need to configure Kubernetes. Extract the TIB_tdv_<version> file which contains the quick start scripts and TDV Helm charts. For more details refer to the section TIBCO Data Virtualization(R) Container Distribution.
2. Run the script (which is part of the TIB_tdv_<version> file) on your Kubernetes master node. Run the following command:
./ [-hv] [--dry-run] [--skip-wait]
[-d] [--del-pvc] [--del-reg-secret]
[--docker-server <host or url>] [--docker-username <user>] [--docker-password <password>] [--docker-email <email>]
[--name <name>] [--set <key1>=<val1>,<key2>=<val2>,...] [-f <yaml file>] [--values <yaml file>]
The table below gives a description of the different parameters used with the script.
Show output of execution without actually executing the script.
Skip wait check for TDV pods.
Help for using the script.
Enable verbose mode output.
Deletion Settings
Delete and uninstall TDV helmchart if already exists with same --name <name>.
Delete TDV Dynamic PVC storage.
Delete TDV registry secret (default name "tdv-registry-secret”)
Docker Registry Settings
Server location for Docker registry.
This is required. If not provided, an error will be displayed.
Username for Docker registry authentication.
This is required. If not provided, an error will be displayed.
Password for Docker registry authentication.
This is required. If not provided, an error will be displayed.
Email for Docker registry.
This is required. If not provided, an error will be displayed.
Helm Chart Settings
Set <name> for helmchart (default is "tdv").
-f <yaml file>
Pass TDV helm chart parameters from a yaml file.
--values <yaml file>
Pass TDV helm chart parameters from a yaml file.
--set <key1>=<val1>,<key2>=<val2>,...
Pass TDV helm chart parameters to helm chart for runtime configuration.
This option is used to configure several runtime settings such as setting the tdv image, arbiter password, specifying list of external IP source ranges, etc.
It is recommended that you run “ -h” for a complete list of the various configuration settings that can be tuned using this option.
Sample Values YAML file
TDV is pre-packaged with a yaml file that contains the parameters that is needed to install a helm chart successfully. When running the quick start script the default values defined in this file are used. To override the defaut values, you can use the --set flag when the running the script
Deployment Environment Setting
The deploymentEnvironment parameter in the values.yaml file indicates whether the deployment is for a private (on-premises) Kubernetes installation or for a public cloud environment (example: “aks” for Azure AKS). Please review the TDV Helm chart’s values.yaml for more details on default, required and optional settings. The default deploymentEnvironment is “private”.
Deployment Mode Setting
The deploymentMode parameter in the values.yaml file indicates whether the TDV application will run as a single stand alone instance or in a TDV cluster configuration. The valid values are “single” and “cluster” and the default is “cluster”.
Application Memory Setting
You can change the resource request memory setting for the TDV Pod by tuning the following options:
Use the tdv.resources.requests.memory setting to set the memory for the TDV Pod container. Use the tdv.serverHeapMax to set the memory for TDV processes inside the pod. By default, 8GB is the memory set for the TDV Pod container and 7000 (7GB) for the TDV processes inside the Pod.