Installation and Upgrade Guide > Container Orchestration Using Kubernetes > Pre-Configuration of the Runtime Environment (On-Premises/Private Cloud only): > Removing a TDV application via Helm
Removing a TDV application via Helm
To remove a TDV application completely, you must do the following:
1. Uninstall the HAProxy Service
2. Uninstall TDV application
3. Uninstall Persistent Volume Claims
4. Delete the TDV registry Secret
Uninstall HAProxy Service
Run the following command to uninstall the TDV HAProxy service:
helm uninstall tdv-haproxy-tdv-0 -n tdv # uninstalls TDV HAProxy (pod tdv-0) application in Kubernetes
Run this command only if you deployed the TDV HAProxy application via
Uninstall Application
Run the following command to remove the TDV application(s) you have deployed:
helm uninstall tdv -n tdv
Uninstall the Persistent Volume Claim
The dynamical volumes will not be removed automatically. You will need to manually remove the dynamically provisioned volumes. The example below deletes the 3 dynamic volumes created:
kubectl delete pvc tdv-data-tdv-X -n tdv. Where X=0,1,2
Kubernetes cleans up unused images on the Kubernetes nodes so there is no need to manually clean up the image. Refer to the following documentation on this topic:
Delete the TDV Registry Secret
You will finally need to also clean up the TDV Registry Secret. Run the following command to do this:
kubectl delete secret tdv-haproxy-gateway-certs-secret -n tdv # delete the TDV registry secret