Client Interfaces Guide > TIBCO SSIS Components for TDV > Deploying to Azure > Deploying TIBCO SSIS Components to Azure
Deploying TIBCO SSIS Components to Azure
Follow the procedure below to deploy SSIS projects using one or more TIBCO data sources:
Provision an Integration Runtime
Use the included AzureDeploy.ps1 script to provision and start an Azure SSIS integration runtime.
1. To deploy multiple TIBCO SSIS components, copy all other TIBCO SSIS2017.dll and .Design.dll files to this component's /lib folder. By default, this is C:\Program Files\TIBCO\TIBCO SSIS Components for TIBCO(R) Data Virtualization\lib.
2. Run the AzureDeploy.ps1 script from this /lib directory. You may specify all parameters required parameters at once. For example:
.\AzureDeploy.ps1 -ResourceGroupName "my-resource-group" -SubscriptionId "2d91834e-1hga-4c31-86yf-dba7b40b90u2" -SqlServerName "" -SqlDatabaseUser "MySQLUser" -SqlDatabasePwd "MySQLPwd" -DataFactoryName "MyDataFactory" -StorageAccountName "MyStorageAccount"
If your SQL Server database already has an integration runtime (and SSISDB), you can overwrite it by first stopping it, and then specifying its name with the -InterationRuntimeName parameter. Each SQL Server may only have one integration runtime.
See the "Configuring the AzureDeploy.ps1 Script" section below for more information on the available parameters.
3. Log into Azure in the dialog that is displayed.
After you log into Azure, the script creates the resources necessary for deployment and starts the integration runtime.
Deploy the SSIS Package
You are now ready to deploy your SSIS package:
In Visual Studio, right-click the project and select Deploy Project. The Integration Services Deployment Wizard is displayed.
On the Select Source page, select your SSIS project. You can select a project deployment file or a project that resides in an SSIS catalog.
On the Select Destination page, enter the fully qualified domain name of the logical SQL database and enter your authentication information. Select Browse to select the target folder in SSISDB.
After this step, your package is deployed and accessible in the Azure Data Factory web UI at