Client Interfaces Guide > TIBCO SSIS Components for TDV > Deploying to Azure > Configuring the AzureDeploy.ps1 Script
Configuring the AzureDeploy.ps1 Script
The following sections provide a reference to the available options for the deployment script:
Required Parameters
ResourceGroupName: The name of the resource group to use or create resources in. The resource group must exist.
SqlServerName: The name or endpoint of the logical SQL database. Example:
SqlDatabaseUser: The username of the SQL Server user.
SqlDatabasePwd: The password for the SQL Server user.
DataFactoryName: The name of the Data Factory to use (or create). A data factory may only have one integration runtime. To overwrite an existing IR, specify its name with the
-IntegrationRuntimeName parameter.
StorageAccountName: The name of the storage account to use (or create).
Other Parameters
SubscriptionId: The Id of the subscription to use for creating additional resources. This should match a subscription from ResourceGroupName. Example: 2r29814e-1dba-4b11-81cf-dba7b90b74c3
Location: The location to create additional resources. Defaults to "EastUS".
SetupContainerName: The name of the blob container to create (or reuse). TIBCO assembly files, main.cmd, and SSISDeployUtil.bat will be overwritten if they exist. Defaults to "ssissetup".
StorageAccountResourceGroup: If the storage account to be used is on a different resource group, this parameter specifies the name of the resource group for the -StorageAccountName to use. Defaults to -ResourceGroup otherwise.
RuntimeNodeSize: The integration runtime node size. Defaults to "Standard_D1_v2".
RuntimeNodeCount: The number of target nodes of the integration runtime. Defaults to 1.
AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode: Max Parallel Executions Per Node. Defaults to 1.
CatalogPricingTier: The catalog database pricing tier of the integration runtime. Defaults to "Basic".
AzureSSISEdition: The edition of the SSIS integration runtime. Standard or Enterprise. Defaults to Standard.
AzureSSISDescription: A description you may provide for the Azure SSIS Runtime. Defaults to "Azure SSIS Runtime".
IntegrationRuntimeName: The name of the integration runtime to create (or overwrite). Defaults to "AzureSSISIR".
Each SQL Server can have only one integration runtime. If the existing SQL Server already has an integration runtime and SSISDB (the SSIS catalog database), then you may overwrite it by specifying the
-InterationRuntimeName parameter.