User Guide > Procedures > Parameterized Queries > Adding a Parameter to a WHERE Clause
Adding a Parameter to a WHERE Clause
When you want parameters to be used in a WHERE clause, you must add them from cells in the Criteria column.
To include a parameter in the WHERE clause of a parameterized query
1. In the resource tree, right-click a container and select New Parameterized Query.
2. In the Input window, supply a unique name for the parameterized query and click OK.
The editor for building the resource opens in the right pane.
3. Click the Model tab.
4. Drag and drop tables, views, or other procedures from the Studio resource tree into the Model panel.
5. In the Grid panel, click a Column cell to select one of the column names.
6. Click a second Column cell and select another column name.
7. Right-click the Criteria cell corresponding to the second column name under Column, and select Parameter.
8. In the Add Parameter window, supply a name for the parameter, select the data type, and click OK.
This parameter appears in the Criteria column.
9. Click the SQL Script tab if you want to view the auto-generated SQL script.
The parameter you added is placed in the parameterized query’s WHERE clause.
10. Save the parameterized query.