Administration Guide > Configuring Kerberos Single Sign-On > Configuring Kerberos with Hive and Impala Data Sources
Configuring Kerberos with Hive and Impala Data Sources
This section contains instructions for how to configure your Hive data connection, including Impala, for use with Kerberos:
Follow these steps to configure Hive/Impala datasources with Kerberos:
1. If you are using Hive 0.13, make sure that you have the Apache HIVE-6486 patch installed for the JDBC driver.
2. Open Studio.
3. Open or add a new Hive or Impala data source.
4. Select the Basic tab.
5. Select Kerberos for the Authentication field.
6. Select the Advanced tab.
7. In the Connection URL Pattern field add a semicolon to the end of the URL.
8. In the Connection URL Pattern filed add the following elements to the end of the connection URL.
Description of Necessary Value
The Kerberos SPN for the Hive instance. For example, principal=hive/
Specifies that the authentication method is Kerberos. For example, auth=kerberos.
Specifies to use the private credentials inserted into the Subject by Kbr5. For example, kerberosAuthType=fromSubject
An optional token that if used will be replaced by the cis user at run time.
The proxy.user is used to access the Hive Server2 proxy functionality.
For example, if the value in the Connection URL Pattern field is:
Modify it to become:
For example:
9. Save the data source.