Getting Started Guide > Logging Into TDV Server > Studio Modeler and Resource Tree Overview
Studio Modeler and Resource Tree Overview
When you start Studio, the Modeler in Studio is displayed by default. The Modeler is the area where all data modeling activities take place. The left pane in the Modeler displays all available resources in a tree format, which is referred to as the resource tree.
Expand the node labeled "examples" that is inside the Shared folder.
Desktop—The current user’s virtual work area in TDV Server, and is like the desktop for a personal computer’s user interface.
Data Services—Resources visible to client applications that connect to TDV Server.
My Home—The current user’s workspace in TDV Server.
You can create TDV resources in My Home.
Shared—Resources shared by all users in the system.
You can create TDV resources in Shared.
examples—Sample resources to help you get started using TDV.
<host machine>—This area reflects the machine that hosts TDV Server.
For further details on the resource tree, see the TDV User Guide.