Adapter Online Help > TDV Oracle Eloqua Adapter > SQL Compliance > INSERT Statements
INSERT Statements
To create new records, use INSERT statements.
The INSERT statement specifies the columns to be inserted and the new column values. You can specify the column values in a comma-separated list in the VALUES clause:
INSERT INTO <table_name>
( <column_reference> [ , ... ] )
( { <expression> | NULL } [ , ... ] )
<expression> ::=
| @ <parameter>
| ?
| <literal>
You can use the executeUpdate method of the Statement and PreparedStatement classes to execute data manipulation commands and retrieve the rows affected. To retrieve the Id of the last inserted record use getGeneratedKeys. Additionally, set the RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS flag of the Statement class when you call prepareStatement.
String cmd = "INSERT INTO Contact ([First Name]) VALUES (?)";
PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(cmd,Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
pstmt.setString(1, "John");
int count = pstmt.executeUpdate();
System.out.println(count+" rows were affected");
ResultSet rs = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys();