Preparing Your System for Installation
To prepare your systems for installation
1. Review the new features and bug fixes as documented in the TDV and Business Directory Release Notes.
2. Review any README file included in your installation, patch, or service pack bundle.
3. Review the following requirements:
— You must have administrator privileges on the host computer to install TDV Server.
— You can have multiple JVMs running on the installation machine.
— Server requires a block of nine ports for use by TDV and associated services. The port setting for Web services HTTP communication serves as the “base port”. By default, the base port is 9400, but you can change it after installation using configuration parameters.
4. Make sure that any LIBPATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable that you might have does not begin with a "/" slash or end with a ":" colon. Those characters may keep the repository from starting successfully.
5. Review your firewall settings and verify that they allow access to the ports that TDV (Business Directory, Deployment Manager, and TDV) products need to use.
6. To see the current base port setting, choose Configuration from the Administration menu and navigate to Server > Web Services Interface > Communications > HTTP > Port (Current).
Note: Changing the HTTP base port value also changes the value of all derived ports after the next TDV restart. When the base port is changed, you must update all data sources with the new port information.
These example ports are reserved or are derived from the base port:
9400 Web services HTTP port
9401 JDBC, ODBC, and ADO.NET
9402 Web services HTTP SSL
9404 Default caching database port
9405 JMX/RMI port for Monitor collector
9406 Monitor Daemon
9407 Active Cluster - JGroups (when installed)
9408 Repository
9409 Monitor RMI registry + JMX/RMI port for Monitor daemon
9500 Business Directory
9502 Business Directory (reserved)
9508 Business Directory
7. Stop Server if an earlier version is running.
8. Restart databases, especially those used for your caches and repositories.
9. Shut down all other application programs running on the installation machine.
10. Make sure you know the hostname or the IP address of the installation machine.