Connecting Cognos to TDV Using ODBC
Cognos is a third-party tool. These instructions are included only as a guideline; your system and the steps necessary to configure it might vary from the test system that was used in this sample. You will need to refer to Cognos documentation and perform thorough testing of your system after completing the install and configuration.
If you are using Cognos Dynamic Query Mode (DQM), you need to set up the JDBC driver to manage the connection between TDV and Cognos. Refer to you Cognos documentation for instructions on connecting to TDV.
To connect to TDV Server through Cognos on UNIX
1. Install the TDV ODBC driver on the:
— Cognos Framework Manager Server
— Cognos Studio clients
The 32-bit driver is required even if running the 64-bit version of Cognos.
2. Setup ODBC drivers and define necessary environment variables. For more information, see the TDV Administration Guide information about using ODBC drivers with UNIX. For example, the following environment variables might need to be defined:
3. Make a backup copy of existing odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files.
4. Run the TDV driverConfig utility to generate the odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini files.
5. Change the Cognos environment to include the odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini files.
6. Add the path to the TDV ODBC driver for the following environment variable depending on your system type:
System Type | Environment Variable |
7. Configure a connection to the TDV Server on the Cognos Server.
8. Test the connectivity between TDV and Cognos.
9. Repeat the install and configuration of the TDV ODBC driver on any other machines running the Cognos Framework Manager component.
10. After publishing a view in TDV, it is not immediately available to the Cognos clients. A Cognos Framework admin needs to import the new view, create a Cognos package and publish it to the Cognos Clients.
To connect to TDV Server through Cognos on Windows
1. Install the 32-bit TDV ODBC driver on the:
— Cognos Framework Manager Server
— Cognos Studio clients
The 32-bit driver is required even if running the 64-bit version of Cognos. The 32 bit ODBC manager is typically located in the C:\Windows\sysWOW64 folder and named odbcad32.exe.
2. Configure a connection to the TDV Server on the Cognos Server.
3. Test the connectivity between TDV and Cognos.
4. Repeat the install and configuration of the TDV ODBC driver on any other machines running the Cognos Framework Manager component.
5. After publishing a view in TDV, it is not immediately available to the Cognos clients. A Cognos Framework admin needs to import the new view, create a Cognos package and publish it to the Cognos Clients.