Deprecated as of API version 6.0. Instead use
Note: This web services operation is different from the procedure of the same name, which is in the resource tree under /lib/resource.
Performs a reintrospection of the given data source.
If isBlocking is TRUE, this operation does not return until the reintrospect is complete. If isBlocking is FALSE, the call returns immediately with a reintrospect ID that can be used with
cancelDataSourceReintrospect and
If isBlocking is FALSE and this operation is invoked with an explicit transaction, committing the transaction before the reintrospect completes blocks until it completes. If this operation is invoked with an implicit transaction, the reintrospection is run in the background and commits on success or rolls back on failure. In this case, the reintrospect ID is not found by calls to cancelDataSourceReintrospect or getDataSourceReintrospectResult. A reintrospect on an implicit transaction cannot be canceled or generate a report.
Request Elements
path: The path to the data source to be reintrospected.
isBlocking: If TRUE, this call does not return until reintrospection has completed. If FALSE, this call returns immediately regardless of completion.
attributes (optional): Optional values to be used for the resource. These may be required to specify login information if such information is not persisted with the data source definition. See
Attributes Element.
Response Elements
• SUCCESS or FAIL (as appropriate) if the reintrospect completed during this operation.
• INCOMPLETE if the reintrospect is still in progress.
reintrospectReport (optional): If the reintrospect is SUCCESS or FAIL, this report lists what changes occurred during the reintrospection. Otherwise, this element does not exist. See
Reintrospect Report Element.
reintrospectId (optional): If the status is INCOMPLETE, the reintrospect ID is provided.
IllegalArgument: If the path is malformed.
NotFound: If a data source resource cannot be found at the given path.
IllegalState: If the data source is disabled.
Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in path other than the last one.
Security: If the user does not have WRITE access on the last item in path.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.