Update the export settings used or to be used by an archive export. This operation can only be used with an export archive. It can be used anytime after
createExportArchive is called as long as it is within the same transaction and the archive has not been closed.
Request Elements
archiveId: The ID of the archive.
settings: Description of what is exported for this archive. The settings have the following structure:
• name: The name of the export archive.
• description: A verbose description of the archive.
• type:
— BACKUP: All information in this archive replaces the server information when imported.
— ROOT: Resources within the archive cannot be relocated when reimported.
— PACKAGE: Resources within the archive can be relocated when reimported.
• resources (optional): List of exported resources.
— all (optional): If set, all resources on the server are exported.
— resources (optional): Path and type of each resource, plus:
includeChildren (optional): If TRUE or unset, recursively export all child resources. If FALSE, do not include any children.
• exportOptions (optional): A space-delimited list of archive options.
• importHints (optional): Hints that can be used during import. See
Import Hints.
• createInfo (optional): Not used. Any setting of this element is ignored.
Response Elements
IllegalArgument: If the type is malformed.
IllegalArgument: If any of the resource paths or types are malformed.
IllegalArgument: If any of the settings are malformed or contain illegal values.
IllegalArgument: If any of the server attributes are malformed.
IllegalArgument: If any of the export options are malformed.
IllegalArgument: If any of the import hints are malformed.
IllegalState: This operations can only be called within an explicit transaction context. Use
beginTransaction and
IllegalState: If this operation is called using an import archive ID.
NotAllowed: If an explicitly named resource cannot be exported. The inclusion of implicitly identified resources (using includeChildren) that are not allowed to be exported does not cause this fault.
NotFound: If archive for the archive ID does not exist.
NotFound: If any portion of any of the resource paths and types do not exist.
NotFound: If any of the domains, users, or groups do not exist.
NotFound: If any of the server attributes do not exist.
NotFound: If any of the resources specified in the importHints are not included in the export archive.
NotFound: If any of the users specified in the importHints are not included in any of the resources, privileges, or user data in the export archive.
Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in the explicitly identified resource paths. Paths to resources implicitly included (through includeChildren) that the user does not have READ access on does not generate this fault.
Security: If the caller does not have admin privileges and attempts to use an export option that is ADMIN ONLY.
Security: If the caller attempts to use an OWNER ONLY export option does not have admin privileges and attempts to use an export option that is ADMIN ONLY.