Used together with
CreateResourceCacheKey and
UpdateResourceCacheKeyStatus to support external cache loading. Returns cache status information for a given cache key.
path: The path to the resource.
type: The type of the resource.
cacheKey: the key returned by CreateResourceCacheKey.
status: Internal cache status.
bucket: TDV path to the chosen target table for resources in OTPS (one table per snapshot) mode, NULL for other resources.
message: Additional information.
IllegalArgumentException: If the path is malformed or the type is illegal.
IllegalStateException: If the resource type does not support being cached.
IllegalStateException: If the resource is not configured for caching.
IllegalStateException: If the data source used by the resource for caching is not properly configured.
NotFoundException: If the resource does not exist.
SecurityException: If the user does not have READ access on all items in the path other than the last one.
SecurityException: If the user does not have WRITE access to the last item in path.