Name | Datatype | Null | Description |
query | LONGVARCHAR | Yes | When the specified query is null or empty, no results will be returned. Search text can be single or multi-word. When multiple words are specified, results contain records matching any/all the words. |
fieldTypeFilter | LONGVARCHAR | Yes | When specified fieldTypeFilter is null or empty, all field types are matched for. Field type filter can be a single type filter or multiple comma-separated allowable values. The allowed values for this are "name", "annotation", "column", "parameter" and "definition". This input allows for search to be restricted to the specified comma-separated list of field types. Field type names are not case-sensitive. |
resourceTypeFilter | LONGVARCHAR | Yes | When specified resourceTypeFilter is null or empty, all resource types are matched for. Resource type filter can be a single filter or multiple comma-separated allowable values. The allowed values for this are "datasource", "table", "procedure" , "folder", "catalog", "schema" and "flow". This input allows for search to be restricted to the specified comma-separated list of resource types. Resource type names are not case-sensitive. |
annotateResult | BIT | Yes | Default value is 0. Allowed values are 0 and 1. When set to 1, results are annotated with the specified or default markers in "startMarker" and "stopMarker". |
startMarker | VARCHAR | Yes | Used for annotating the start of the result. The default value is "<b>". |
stopMarker | VARCHAR | Yes | Used for annotating the end of the result. The default value is "</b>". |
reportDataFlows | BIT | Yes | Default value is 0. Allowed values are 0 and 1. When set to 1, resource_type in results will be “Flow” if the specific folder/view/sql script were created from WebUI as a flow. When null or 0, the matching folder/view/sql script though created as flows from WebUI will show up as their original resource types respectively. |
nameRankWeight | INTEGER | Yes | This parameter is used for designating rank weight to "name" field type. When unspecified, the rank weight for the "name" field type is defaulted to 10. |
annotationRankWeight | INTEGER | Yes | This parameter is used for designating rank weight to "column" and "parameter" field types. When unspecified, the rank weight for the "column" and "parameter" field types is defaulted to 5. |
definitionRankWeight | INTEGER | Yes | This parameter is used for designating rank weight to "definition" field type. When unspecified, the rank weight for the "definition" field type is defaulted to 2. |