Management of Data Source Customization
Capabilities files are a mechanism for TDV to determine the behavior of data sources and their connections. TDV uses an abstraction called “data source adapter” that lets customers change data source capabilities and have their changes persist across TDV patches and upgrades.
TDV determines data source capabilities by reading configuration files for that data source in a specific order. The value of any capability in each file overrides the value of the same capability in a previously read file. An Oracle 11g thin driver data source is used as an example.
• <TDV_install_dir>\apps\dlm\cis_ds_oracle\conf\oracle.capabilities—A text file that defines the basic capabilities for an Oracle data source
• <TDV_install_dir>\apps\dlm\cis_ds_oracle\conf\—A text file that defines additions and overrides specific to an Oracle 11g thin driver data source
• <TDV_install_dir>\conf\adapters\system\oracle_11g_thin_driver\oracle_11g_thin_driver_values.xml—An XML file that overrides some capabilities with values specific to the 11g thin driver version of Oracle
• <TDV_install_dir>\conf\adapters\custom\MyOracleAdapter\myoracleadapter_values.xml—An XML file, present only if a custom adapter has been built off the Oracle adapter, that overrides some capabilities with custom adapter values
The final two files, when present, are included in CAR exports so that they are later among the import files on the target server instance or version. In this way, any adapter customizations are carried over.
If an extension adapter has been created, a fifth layer of configuration files is present. Some adapters, such as Greenplum, are less complex and have fewer levels of configuration files.
Customization and capabilities for extension adapters and their data sources are handled differently from what this section describes. For details, see the TDV Data Source Toolkit Guide.