Configuring Account Lockout for TDV
TDV allows you to control the number of password failures that a user has before their account is denied access to TDV. You can set the number of invalid log on attempts that are allowed before an account is locked out. Choose a value that prevents valid users from routinely getting locked out of the system and deters invalid users from accessing the system.
If you use TDV in a cluster environment, TDV records the number of failed attempts across all server nodes in the cluster.
Lower threshold numbers might require more frequent intervention to unlock valid accounts. Higher threshold number make systems easier for invalid users to access.
To configure account lookout thresholds
1. Sign-in to Studio as a user with the Modify All Config privilege. For example, the Admin user typically has the modify all config privilege.
2. Select Administration > Configuration.
3. Navigate to the Implicit Lock Threshold parameter.
4. Type a value that prevents valid users from routinely getting locked out of the system and deters invalid users from accessing the system. For example, 5.
5. Click OK.
After an account lockout threshold has been set, user accounts are locked immediately after executing the specified number of invalid sign-in attempts.