Tutorial Guide > Transform XML to Relational Tutorial > Creating the SchoolXML2Rel View
Creating the SchoolXML2Rel View
To create the SchoolXML2Rel view
1. Create a view called SchoolXML2Rel.
2. Drag the SchoolXML2Rel transform into the view.
3. Save the view.
4. Right-click the SchoolXML2Rel view and select Publish.
5. Publish the view as a data service with the name SchoolXML2Rel.
6. Open a command prompt and navigate to the <TDV_install_dir>\apps\jdbc directory.
7. Test the published view with the following command and verify that you see the output and no errors:
JdbcSample.bat TDVTraining localhost 9401 admin admin composite "select * from SchoolXML2Rel"