Action | Shortcut key | Description |
Backspace | Backspace | Delete the previous character at the caret position. |
Clear | Esc | Clear all selections from Find All. |
Delete to Word Start | Ctrl+Backspace | Delete previous characters until a non-word character. |
Delete | Delete | Delete the next character at the caret position. |
Delete to Word End | Ctrl+Delete | Delete next characters until a non-word character. |
Delete Line | Shift+Delete | Delete current line. |
Insert Line Break | Enter | Insert a line break at the caret position. |
Split Line | Ctrl+Enter | Insert a line break at the caret position and keep current caret position. |
New Line | Shift+Enter | Start a new line next to the caret line and put caret at the beginning of the new line. |
Indent Selection | Tab | Indent the caret line if no selection and all selected lines if there is a selection. |
Unindent Selection | Shift+Tab | Unindent the caret line if no selection and all selected lines if there is a selection. |
Join Lines | Ctrl+Shift+J | Join the next line with caret line if no selection or join all selected lines as one line if there is a selection. |
Toggle Insert/Overwrite | Insert | Toggle the Insert/Overwrite status. |
Toggle Rectangular Selection | Ctrl+Backslash | Toggle from regular selection to rectangular selection. |
Toggle Case | Ctrl+Shift+U | Toggle the case of the selection. |
Undo | Ctrl+Z | Undo the last editing operation. |
Redo | Ctrl+Y | Redo the last done editing operation. |
Cut | Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete | Cut the currently selected text. If nothing is selected, cut the current line. |
Copy | Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert | Copy the currently selected text. If nothing is selected, copy the current line. |
Paste | Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert | Paste clipboard to the current caret position. |
Paste from history | Ctrl+Shift+V or Ctrl+Shift+Insert | Prompt a dialogue to allow user to select one of the previous clipboards and paste it. |
Find | Ctrl+F | Prompt a dialogue to allow user to type in a text to search for. |
Find Next | F3 | Find the next occurrence of the search text. |
Find Previous | Shift+F3 | Find the previous occurrence of the search text. |
Replace | Ctrl+R | Prompt a dialogue to allow user to type in a text to replace with another text. |
Select all | Ctrl+A | Select all the text in the editor. |
Move to line start | Home | Move caret to the start of the line. |
Move to line end | End | Move caret to the end of the line. |
Select to line start | Shift+Home | Select from the current caret position to the line start. |
Select to line end | Shift+End | Select from the current caret position to the line end. |
Move to document start | Ctrl+Home | Move caret to the start of the code editor. |
Move to document end | Ctrl+End | Move caret to the end of the code editor. |
Select to document start | Ctrl+Shift+Home | Select from the current caret position to the start of the code editor. |
Select to document end | Ctrl+Shift+End | Select from the current caret position to the end of the code editor. |
Page up | Page_Up | Move caret position one page up. |
Page down | Page_Down | Move caret position one page down. |
Select to previous page | Shift+Page_Up | Select from the current caret position up by one page. |
Select to next page | Shift+Page_Down | Select from the current caret position down by one page. |
Move to previous character | Left | Move caret one character left. |
Move to next character | Right | Move caret one character right. |
Select previous character | Shift+Left | Select the previous character of the current caret position |
Select next character | Shift+Right | Select the next character of the current caret position |
Move to previous word | Ctrl+Left | Move caret to the previous word. |
Move to next word | Ctrl+Right | Move caret to the next word. |
Select previous word | Ctrl+Shift+Left | Select the current caret position to the first character position before it. |
Select next word | Ctrl+Shift+Right | Select the current caret position to the first character position after it. |
Move to previous line | Up | Move caret up by one line. |
Move to next line | Down | Move caret down by one line. |
Select previous line | Shift+Up | Select from the caret position up by one line, |
Select next line | Shift+Down | Select from the caret position down by one line, |
Goto Line | Ctrl+G | Prompt a dialogue to let user tyoe a line index and scroll to it. |
Select word at caret | Ctrl+W | Select the current word. |
Select to matching bracket | Ctrl+B | Select the current block that starts and ends with two matching brackets. |
Duplicate selection | Ctrl+D | Duplicate the selection. If no selection, the caret line will be duplicated. |
Comments | Ctrl+Dash | Comment a line or selected lines for SQL, XML and Xquery editors. |
Manual Fold selection | Ctrl+Period | Creates a folding which contains the currently selected text. |
Expand folding | Ctrl+Equals | Expand the current manual folding. |
Expand all foldings | Ctrl+Shift+Equals | Expand all the foldings created manually. |