Caching to the Default Database Target
For the resource being cached, storage depends on the result set output and on retrieval of the entire result set or retrieval of a filtered subset.
For views and tables, the expiration period applies to the whole result set. For procedures, each input variants data has its expiration tracked separately. If used in a cluster environment, each node of the cluster becomes a separate cache view.
If a resource uses a data source that was originally added to TDV Server using the pass-through mode without saving the password, row-based security can affect cache refresh functionality. For details on save password and pass-through login, see
Adding a Data Source.
The default cache is node and fault tolerant.
Cache policies cannot be stored in the default cache database.
To enable default caching
1. In Studio, open a view or procedure.
2. Select the Caching tab.
3. Click Create Cache.
4. Under Status, select the Enable check box. If you decide to leave it cleared, you can continue to define the cache, but it will not be active until you select the Enable check box.
When a cache is disabled, all existing cache settings are ignored. The view or procedure is used as if caching did not exist. Toggling between the enabled and disabled state does not cause refreshing of the data or resetting of the expiration date for the data.
5. Save your changes.
Several fields will display with non-editable information.
The Data Source, Table Schema (Optional), and Table Prefix fields can be used to determine the location of your cached data within localhost.
6. Set cache policy, cache refresh, expiration, Number of Buckets, Drop and Create indexes on load, and advanced options as necessary.
After data is added to the cache tables by click Refresh Now, you can navigate to the cached data source, execute the view where caching is enabled, and review the cached data. By default, the tables are created on the PostgreSQL database that was defined during the installation of TDV.