Move the specified resources into a folder.
Request Elements
entries: List of source path-type pairs to move.
• entry (optional):
— path
— type: The type of the resource specified by the given path. Valid values are CONTAINER, DATA_SOURCE, DEFINITION_SET, LINK, PROCEDURE, TABLE, TREE, and TRIGGER.
targetContainerPath: The path of the target container to move the resources into.
overwrite: If a resource exists in the target container with the same name and type of the target resource and overwrite is TRUE, the resource within the target container is overwritten. If overwrite is FALSE, a DuplicateName fault is generated and resource are not moved.
Response Elements
DuplicateName: If a resource in the target container exists with the same name and type as one of the source and the overwrite is FALSE.
IllegalArgument: If any of the given paths are malformed or if any of the types are illegal.
IllegalState: If any of the source resources is not allowed to be moved. Resources in /services/databases/system, /services/webservices/system, or within any physical data source cannot be moved.
NotAllowed: If any of the source resources is not allowed to exist within the target container. Resources cannot be moved into a physical data source. LINK resources can only be moved into RELATIONAL_DATA_SOURCEs, SCHEMAs, and PORTs under /services. Non-LINK resources cannot be moved into any location under /services.
NotFound: If any of the source resources or any portion of the path to the target container do not exist.
Security: If the user does not have READ access on all items in the source paths.
Security: If the user does not have READ access on the items in the targetContainerPath other than the last item.
Security: If the user does not have WRITE access to the last item in targetContainerPath.
Security: If the user does not have WRITE access to a resource that is to be overwritten.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.