Application Programming Interface Guide > Built-in Procedures > Procedures Reference > ListResources
Retrieve the list of resources included in the specified resource set.
The fourth through seventh inputs (highlighted in bold) support paged, random resource access. When it is employed by the Deployment Manager UI client, it alleviates the performance issues related to large resource sets.
/lib/resource/ (procedure)
/services/databases/system/deployment/ (published resource)
siteName: The site name.
resourceSet: Resource set name or set definition. If this is NULL, the procedure lists all resources.
searchPath: Applicable only when resourceSetDefinition contains a tree root which is set to “/”; otherwise ignored. If set and effective, searchType must also be set and searchLevel must be non-zero. When searchPath is set, the matched resource is not included in the result.
searchType: Applicable only when resourceSetDefinition contains a tree root which is set to “/”; otherwise ignored. Accepts the set of resource type values accepted by the Web Services operations (“Admin API calls”)—for example, CATALOG_CONTAINER, SCHEMA_CONTAINER. If set and effective, searchLevel must also be set.
searchSubtype: Applicable only when resourceSetDefinition contains a tree root which is set to “/”; otherwise ignored. Accepts the set of resource subtype values accepted by the Web Services operations (“Admin API calls”)—for example, CATALOG_CONTAINER, SCHEMA_CONTAINER.
searchLevel: 0 denotes the resources matching the search criteria. A negative value denotes unlimited depth. A positive value denotes the maximum depth, relative to the matched resources, at which descendent resources are to be included in the result.
resourceList: A cursor whose rows encode the resources included in the specified resource set:
resourcePath: The resource path.
resourceType: The resource type.
isNonRelocatableOnTarget: True if the resource does not belong to the core resource set and is a (direct or indirect) dependency of a resource in the core resource set.
owner: The resource owner.
createTime: Time the resource was created.
modifyTime: Time the resource was last modified.
modifyUser: The user who last modified the resource.
resourceId: The resource id.
parentId: The parent resource id.
depthLevel: The depth level of the resource within the resource tree.
IllegalArgumentException: If the specified resource set definition is invalid.