Discovery Guide > Working with Models in Discovery > Creating a Model > Adding and Removing Resources in a Model
Adding and Removing Resources in a Model
You can add and remove resources, including entire data sources or specific tables from within the model. When you remove resources from a model, the resources are still available in TDV and can be re-added at any time. Be sure to use the procedure below to remove resources.
To add or remove resources in a model
1. Open the model.
2. From the model Diagram, click the Add/Remove Resources button.
Discovery displays the Add/Remove Resources dialog.
3. Expand the tree as necessary to view the currently selected resources.
4. Select resources you want to include and deselect resources that you want to remove.
Note: The selected resources must have been indexed and discovered as described in Running Indexing and Relationship Discovery, for you to see the relationships between them.
5. Click OK.
The Discovery model immediately reflects your changes.