File Name | Description |
TIB_tdv_<version>_helmchart.tar.gz | The compressed file consists of: csi-sc-standard- Sample configuration of an Azure storage class. local-path-storage - Sample configuration for a local storage class that utilizes local storage on your Kubernetes nodes. tdv - Helm chart for the TDV application. tdv-haproxy - Helm chart for TDV HAProxy application. - Quick start script for the TDV deployment in Kubernetes. - Quick start script for the TDV HAProxy deployment in Kubernetes. |
TIB_tdv_<version> | This compressed file contains: TIB_tdv_<version>_docker.tar.gz, Dockerfile.tdv- TDV docker container files. - Quick start script to build the TDV image. -Quick start script to launch TDV container. |