Physical Stored Procedures
TDV supports the introspection of data sources that contain stored procedures written in SQL. Procedures stored in data sources are referred to as physical stored procedures.
Note: In this document, the terms “physical stored procedure” and “stored procedure” are use interchangeably.
Physical stored procedures have certain capabilities and limitations:
• They can have scalar parameters, but the direction of scalar parameters might not always be detected.
• They can return one or more cursors that represent tabular output.
• Array-type parameters are not allowed in published stored procedures.
• A stored procedure that returns only one cursor can be used within a view.
• A stored procedure that returns multiple cursors or scalar parameters cannot be included in a view.
• TDV supports the introspection of some stored procedures for some data sources.
• Cursors are not introspected for DB2, SQL Server, and Sybase databases.
• In Oracle data sources, the cursor type is introspected as type OTHER. If you do not change the cursor’s signature but execute the Oracle stored procedure, cursor values are interpreted as binary data. However, if you edit the stored procedure and define the cursor’s signature, its output is displayed in tabular form.
To edit stored procedures and define cursor signatures, see: