Administration Guide > Composite Domain Administration > Changing Passwords for Other Composite Domain Users
Changing Passwords for Other Composite Domain Users
TDV administrators with the Modify All Users and Modify All Resources rights can change any composite user password.
Note: TDV administrative rights do not permit management of LDAP domains, group membership, or passwords. Neither TDV administrators nor LDAP users logged into Studio can change LDAP profiles or passwords through normal TDV interfaces.
Changes made to the user rights profile take effect nearly immediately because TDV checks for appropriate rights every time feature access is attempted.
To change passwords for other Composite domain users
1. Launch Manager from Studio or direct a Web browser to the Manager using one of these URLs:
When TDV is locally installed:
When TDV is not locally installed:
After login, the MANAGER HOME page is displayed.
2. Go to the SECURITY > User Management page.
3. Select any user name link.
4. Click Edit User.
5. Reset the user’s password and optionally change rights.
6. Click OK.