Installation and Upgrade Guide > TDV and Business Directory Product Maintenance > Downgrade/Rollback
If you installed a service pack or hotfix and you later decide that you want to revert to the previous installation, you can do that.
It is important to understand the requirements and limitations of downgrade/rollback procedures:
You can use this process to downgrade to an earlier release (for example, 8.2 to 8.1). But, you cannot use this process to downgrade to a version prior to the current version (for example, 8.x to 7.x).
The rollback scripts are only for rolling back to a previous service pack. If a release has only one service pack or hotfix applied to it, rollback is not guaranteed to work, in an attempt to rollback to the base GA version. For example, 8.0.1 release refers to the hotfix release 1 of a 8.0.0 base GA release. You cannot rollback to 8.0.0 in this case. If you do this, starting the TDV server may result in error messages such as these:
In the cs_repository.log: “Could not receive data from client: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.”
In the cs_monitor.log: “MONITOR STOP. The metadata repository was created with a newer version of the server. The server cannot continue.”
To downgrade/rollback a service pack for TDV Server, Studio, or Business Directory
1. If downgrading on Windows, any open windows to the repository or jdk folder must be closed.
2. If your TDV products are running, stop them, including all processes and databases used as repositories or caches.
3. Stop the Monitor Daemon:
composite.<bat|sh> monitor stop
Note: To check if the Monitor daemon has stopped completely, check for the “Bye” message in cs_server.log.
4. Follow these steps below only if you are downgrading the TDV Server:
Start server process without monitor daemon:
composite_server.bat/sh run)
Run the following command:
server_util.bat/sh -server <id> -port <port> -user <uid> -password <password> -rollbackRepository -toVersion <version to downgrade to>
Example: bin/ -server localhost -port 9400 -user admin -password admin1 -rollbackRepository -toVersion 8.3.0
Check the repository version after rollback:
bin\psql.exe -Uroot -hlocalhost -p9408 -d cisrepo -c "select * from cisrepo.metadata_version"
##Replace the port number (9408) to your Repository port number, if needed.
Navigate to <install_dir>/install dir and run the following command:
Stop repository and cache (windows only)
Run the command
cis_<product>_<version>_downgrade_patch.bat (CIS – windows) / cis_<product>_<version> (CIS – UNIX)
5. Navigate to <install_dir> and reapply the last service pack or hotfix. After downgrade it is necessary to apply the downgraded version of service pack/hotfix before starting the server.
6. Restart the services
7. Import backup CAR files as needed.
8. Optionally, redefine all your VCS roots and connections.
To rollback a hotfix for TDV Server, Studio, or Business Directory
1. If working on Windows, any open windows to the repository or jdk folder must be closed.
2. Make sure that the TDV Server is stopped.
composite.<bat|sh> monitor stop
Note: To check if the Monitor daemon has stopped completely, check for the “Bye” message in cs_server.log.
3. Run the rollback script located in
4. Navigate to <install_dir> and reapply the last service pack or hotfix. After downgrade it is necessary to apply the downgraded version of service pack/hotfix before starting the server.
5. Start the Monitor Daemon.
For TDV: composite.<bat|sh> monitor start
For BD: bd.<bat|sh> monitor start
In the server.log, verify that the version is the target version you intended.